Orly Neiger – Developmental Physical Therapy, Facilitator and parent coach.
Autism Research and Therapy Association / Clinical counselor for physiotherapists working with children ASD / at advanced stage in the certification process for DIR approach / Private clinic.
Children diagnosed with the Autistic Spectrum show difficulties based on sensory-motor regulation (Sensory based motor disorder Miller 2006).
Engaging in movement unintentionally including stereotyped movements.
Clumsiness - because the movements is done ineffectively.
Deficit in deep body sensation (proprioceptive sensation which contributes the internal and unconscious awareness of body posture) and consequently difficulties in perceptual-motor development.
Difficulties in an equilibrium system and heightened fear that will prevent the use and enjoyment (also propulsion) of amusement facilities.
Difficulty in disengaging from the land resulting in deprivation or difficulty in spatial expressive that each child experiences.
The difficulties – some or all of them will cause difficulties in developmental delay.
Studies indicate reciprocity between motor activity and language and communication development, the center responsible for speech, language and communication skinless (Broca's area) is located near areas related to motor activity in front of the main motor area (Lacoboni & Wilson, 2006).
In the lecture, I will present my way of working in small groups, not necessarily homogeneous and based on the principles of these studies.
For the child on the spectrum the group has added value like shared learning that combined:
Reference to the other (imitation).
Attention and experience of shared success.
Experience the self as part of a group.
Using gestures and decoding gestures of team members.
Learning social Laws such as:
Standing on line
Understand order of activity – before, after, during and ending.
Recent studies show that the re-feeding mechanism teaches about others. In children with ASD this interpolation is abnormal because the stimuli received from the body are abnormal and so in physical therapy treatment including experience which enhances and expands these signals and so it's improves and contributes to the re-feedback mechanism.
Presenting author details
Full name: Orly Neiger
Contact number: +972522434653
facebook: orly neiger
Session name/ number: autistic Sensory Integration
Category: (Oral presentation)
Was presenting in Autism European Conference, Budapesht 2/2020.